Swiss Civil Code

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

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Art. 719

2. Es­caped an­im­als


1 Cap­tured an­im­als be­come own­er­less if they re­gain their free­dom and their own­er fails to search for them im­me­di­ately and per­sist­ently with a view to re­cap­tur­ing them.

2 Do­mest­ic­ated an­im­als be­come own­er­less once they re­gress to a fer­al state and no longer re­turn to their mas­ters.

3 Swarms of bees do not be­come own­er­less by vir­tue of stray­ing onto land be­long­ing to oth­ers.


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