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Swiss Civil Code

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 792

II. Debt li­ab­il­ity


1 If the land changes own­er­ship, the new own­er auto­mat­ic­ally be­comes the ob­lig­or un­der the real bur­den.

2 If the land is di­vided, the own­ers of the di­vided parts be­come debt­ors un­der the real bur­den. The debt is ap­por­tioned over the di­vided parts of the prop­erty in ac­cord­ance with the pro­vi­sions on mort­gage con­tracts.615

615 Amended by No I 1 of the FA of 11 Dec. 2009 (Re­gister Mort­gage Cer­ti­fic­ates and oth­er amend­ments to Prop­erty Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2012 (AS 2011 4637; BBl 2007 5283).