Swiss Civil Code

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 January 2023) 2018 401; 2020 4005; 2021 312, 565, 917; 2022 109, 551

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Art. 555

II. In the case of un­known heirs


1 If the au­thor­ity is un­cer­tain as to wheth­er the de­ceased is sur­vived by heirs or wheth­er it is aware of all the heirs, the au­thor­ity must by ap­pro­pri­ate pub­lic means call on all per­sons with suc­ces­sion rights to come for­ward and claim them with­in one year.

2 If no such per­son comes for­ward dur­ing this time and if no heirs are known to the au­thor­ity, the es­tate passes to the state au­thor­ity with right to suc­ceed, sub­ject to any ac­tion for re­cov­ery of in­her­it­ance.


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