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Swiss Civil Code

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 January 2023) 2018 401; 2020 4005; 2021 312, 565, 917; 2022 109, 551

Art. 70

C. Mem­ber­ship

I. Ad­mis­sion, resig­na­tion


1 Mem­bers may be ad­mit­ted at any time.

2 All mem­bers have a leg­al right to resign sub­ject to six months’ no­tice ex­pir­ing at the end of the cal­en­dar year or, if an ad­min­is­trat­ive peri­od is provided for, at the end of such peri­od.

3 Mem­ber­ship is neither trans­fer­able nor her­it­able.