Swiss Civil Code

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 January 2023) 2018 401; 2020 4005; 2021 312, 565, 917; 2022 109, 551

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Art. 770

c. Wood­land


1 The usu­fructu­ary of wood­land is en­titled to farm it with­in the lim­its of a reas­on­able busi­ness plan.

2 Both own­er and usu­fructu­ary may re­quire com­pli­ance with a plan which takes due ac­count of their rights.

3 Where there is large-scale loss of wood­land caused by storm, snow, fire, in­sect in­fest­a­tion or oth­er factors, either the ex­ploit­a­tion must gradu­ally be re­duced or the busi­ness plan ad­ap­ted to the changed cir­cum­stances; in­come real­ised from the clear­ing of tim­ber must be in­ves­ted at in­terest and serves as com­pens­a­tion for the loss of wood­land.


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