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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 260a265

II. Chal­lenge

1. Right to chal­lenge


1 Re­cog­ni­tion may be chal­lenged be­fore the courts by any in­ter­ested party, namely the moth­er, the child or, after its death, its is­sue, and by the com­mune of ori­gin or dom­i­cile of the re­cog­nising per­son.

2 The re­cog­nising per­son is en­titled to file a chal­lenge only if he or she re­cog­nised the child un­der threat of im­min­ent and sub­stan­tial risk to his or her own life, limb, repu­ta­tion or prop­erty or to those of a per­son close to him or her, or in the er­ro­neous be­lief that he was the fath­er.

3 The chal­lenge is dir­ec­ted against the re­cog­nising per­son and the child, in­so­far as they them­selves are not the chal­len­ging per­sons.

265In­ser­ted by No I 1 of the FA of 25 June 1976, in force since 1 Jan. 1978 (AS 1977 237; BBl 1974 II 1).