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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 265d285

b. De­cision


1 Where the child is en­trus­ted to per­sons wish­ing to ad­opt with a view to sub­sequent ad­op­tion and the con­sent of one par­ent is not forth­com­ing, the child pro­tec­tion au­thor­ity at the child’s dom­i­cile shall , at the re­quest of the leg­al guard­i­an or a leg­al rep­res­ent­at­ive, an ad­op­tion agency or the per­sons wish­ing to ad­opt, de­cide wheth­er such con­sent can be dis­pensed with, as a rule be­fore the child is placed in care.286

2 In all oth­er cases, the de­cision is made at the time of the ad­op­tion.

3 ...287

285In­ser­ted by No I 1 of the FA of 30 June 1972, in force since 1 April 1973 (AS 1972 2819; BBl 1971 I 1200).

286Amended by No I of the FA of 17 June 2016 (Ad­op­tion), in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 3699; BBl 2015 877).

287Re­pealed by No I of the FA of 17 June 2016 (Ad­op­tion), with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 3699; BBl 2015 877).