Art. 286a347
2. Shortfalls 1 If it was previously established in an approved maintenance agreement or a decision that no maintenance contribution could be set to provide due maintenance for the child, and should the circumstances of the parent liable to pay maintenance have since improved substantially, the child is entitled to claim payments that were not met by this parent during the previous five years in which payments were owed to provide due maintenance. 2 This claim must be brought within one year of it being known that the circumstances have improved substantially. 3 This claim passes with all rights to the other parent or to the state authority in as far as this parent or the state authority has met the missing share of the due maintenance. 347 Inserted by No I of the FA of 20 March 2015 (Child Maintenance), in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2015 4299; BBl 2014529). BGE
144 III 502 (5A_553/2018, 5A_554/2018) from 2. Oktober 2018
Regeste: Art. 276, 276a und 285 ZGB; Kindesunterhalt; Berechnung des Existenzminimums des mit einem Partner in gemeinsamem Haushalt lebenden Unterhaltsschuldners. Das Existenzminimum umfasst die Hälfte des Ehepaaransatzes und die üblichen betreibungsrechtlichen Zuschläge, soweit sie für den Unterhaltsschuldner allein massgeblich sind, namentlich seinen Wohnkostenanteil, seine unumgänglichen Berufsauslagen sowie seine Krankenkassenprämie (E. 6.2-6.8; Fortsetzung der bisherigen Rechtsprechung für das neue Kindesunterhaltsrecht). |