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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 28b33

b. Vi­ol­ence, threats or har­ass­ment


1 To ob­tain pro­tec­tion from vi­ol­ence, threats or har­ass­ment, the ap­plic­ant may re­quest the court in par­tic­u­lar to or­der the of­fend­ing party to re­frain from:

ap­proach­ing the ap­plic­ant or from en­ter­ing a defined area around the ap­plic­ant’s dwell­ing;
fre­quent­ing spe­cified loc­a­tions, not­ably par­tic­u­lar streets, squares or dis­tricts;
from mak­ing con­tact with the ap­plic­ant, es­pe­cially by tele­phone, in writ­ing or elec­tron­ic­ally, or from har­ass­ing the ap­plic­ant in any oth­er way.

2 If the ap­plic­ant lives in the same dwell­ing as the of­fend­ing party, the ap­plic­ant may ask the court to or­der the of­fend­ing party to leave the dwell­ing for a spe­cified peri­od. This peri­od may be ex­ten­ded on one oc­ca­sion for good cause.

3 Where jus­ti­fied by the cir­cum­stances, the court may:

re­quire the ap­plic­ant to pay reas­on­able com­pens­a­tion for his or her ex­clus­ive use of the dwell­ing; or
with the land­lord’s con­sent, trans­fer the rights and ob­lig­a­tions un­der the lease to the ap­plic­ant alone.

3bis It shall give no­tice of its de­cision to the com­pet­ent child and adult pro­tec­tion au­thor­it­ies, the com­pet­ent can­ton­al au­thor­ity un­der para­graph 4 and oth­er au­thor­it­ies and third parties, provided this ap­pears ne­ces­sary in or­der to ful­fil its re­spons­ib­il­it­ies or for the pro­tec­tion of the ap­plic­ant, or en­ables the de­cision to be en­forced.34

4 The can­tons shall des­ig­nate an au­thor­ity which in ur­gent cases may or­der the im­me­di­ate ex­pul­sion of the of­fend­ing party from the joint dwell­ing and shall en­act rules gov­ern­ing the pro­ced­ure.

33 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 1983 (AS 1984 778; BBl 1982 II 636). Amended by No I of the FA of 23 June 2006 (Pro­tec­tion of the Per­son­al­ity against Vi­ol­ence, Threats and Har­ass­ment), in force since 1 Ju­ly 2007 (AS2007 137; BBl 2005 68716897).

34 In­ser­ted by No I 1 of the FA of 14 Dec. 2018 on Im­prov­ing the Pro­tec­tion giv­en to Vic­tims of Vi­ol­ence, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2020 (AS 2019 2273; BBl 2017 7307).