Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 329

B. Scope and en­force­ment of the claim for as­sist­ance


1 The claim for as­sist­ance is dir­ec­ted against those with a duty to provide it in or­der of their in­her­it­ance en­ti­tle­ments; the amount is de­pend­ent on the de­gree of as­sist­ance re­quired to main­tain the in­di­gent claimant and on the cir­cum­stances of the per­son ob­liged to provide it.

1bis No claim for sup­port may be made if the hard­ship arises from a re­stric­tion in the abil­ity to pur­sue gain­ful em­ploy­ment ow­ing to the care of one’s own chil­dren.453

2 Where in the light of spe­cial cir­cum­stances the court deems it in­equit­able to re­quire a per­son to ful­fil his duty of as­sist­ance, the court may re­strict such duty or re­voke it en­tirely.454

3 The pro­vi­sions gov­ern­ing child main­ten­ance en­ti­tle­ment and the trans­fer of such en­ti­tle­ment to the state au­thor­ity are ap­plic­able mu­tatis mutandis.455

453 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 20 March 2015 (Child Main­ten­ance), in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2015 4299; BBl 2014529).

454Amended by No I 2 of the FA of 25 June 1976, in force since 1 Jan. 1978 (AS 1977 237; BBl 1974 II 1).

455Amended by No I 2 of the FA of 25 June 1976, in force since 1 Jan. 1978 (AS 1977 237; BBl 1974 II 1).


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