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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 331

A. Re­quire­ment


1 Where by law, agree­ment or fam­ily cus­tom per­sons liv­ing in com­mon house­hold have a head of the fam­ily, such per­son holds au­thor­ity with­in the house­hold.

2 The au­thor­ity ex­tends over all per­sons liv­ing in the house­hold, wheth­er re­l­at­ives by blood456 or by mar­riage or em­ploy­ees or per­sons in a sim­il­ar po­s­i­tion based on a con­trac­tu­al re­la­tion­ship.457

456Term amended by No I 3 of the FA of 30 June 1972, in force since 1 April 1973 (AS 1972 2819; BBl 1971 I 1200).

457Amended by No II Art. 2 No 2 of the FA of 25 June 1971, in force since 1 Jan. 1972 (AS 1971 1465; BBl 1967 II 241).