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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 360

A. Prin­ciple


1 A per­son with ca­pa­city to act may in­struct a nat­ur­al per­son or leg­al en­tity to take re­spons­ib­il­ity for his or her per­son­al care or the man­age­ment of his or her as­sets or to act as his or her leg­al agent in the event that he or she is no longer cap­able of judge­ment.

2 He or she must define the tasks that are to be as­signed and may is­sue in­struc­tions on how these tasks are to be ful­filled.

3 He or she may provide for a re­place­ment for the event that the ap­pointee is not suit­able for the tasks, does not ac­cept the man­date or ter­min­ates the man­date.