Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 362

II. Re­voc­a­tion


1 The cli­ent may re­voke the ad­vance care dir­ect­ive at any time in either of the ways provided for its ex­e­cu­tion.

2 He or she may also re­voke the ad­vance care dir­ect­ive by des­troy­ing the doc­u­ment.

3 If he or she ex­ecutes a new ad­vance care dir­ect­ive without ex­pressly re­vok­ing the pre­vi­ous dir­ect­ive, the new ad­vance care dir­ect­ive re­places the pre­vi­ous one un­less it is clearly no more than an amend­ment to the same.


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