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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 369

I. Re­gain­ing the ca­pa­city of judge­ment


1 If the cli­ent re­gains the ca­pa­city of judge­ment, the ad­vance care dir­ect­ive shall by law cease to have ef­fect.

2 If the in­terests of the cli­ent are en­dangered thereby, the ap­pointee must con­tin­ue to carry out the tasks as­signed to him or her un­til the cli­ent can safe­guard his or her own in­terests.

3 The ap­pointee is bound as if the dir­ect­ive still ap­plies by trans­ac­tions that he or she enters in­to be­fore he or she learns that the dir­ect­ive has ceased to ap­ply.