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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 496

2. Void re­nun­ci­ation


1 Where cer­tain per­sons are named in the re­nun­ci­ation con­tact as heirs in lieu of the re­noun­cing party, the re­nun­ci­ation is void if such per­sons fail to ac­quire the in­her­it­ance for whatever reas­on.

2 Where an in­her­it­ance is re­nounced in fa­vour of co-heirs, the re­nun­ci­ation is pre­sumed to be ef­fect­ive only in re­spect of the heirs of the line des­cend­ing from their nearest com­mon as­cend­ant and has no ef­fect with re­gard to more dis­tant heirs.