Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 503

e. Per­sons in­volved


1 Per­sons who lack ca­pa­city to act, have been de­prived of their civil rights due to a crim­in­al con­vic­tion495 or are un­able to read or write, lin­eal re­l­at­ives496 or sib­lings of the test­at­or or their spouses and the test­at­or’s spouse are not per­mit­ted to act as au­then­tic­at­ing of­fi­cials or wit­nesses when mak­ing a will in the form of a pub­lic deed.

2 No dis­pos­i­tion may be made in the will in fa­vour of any au­then­tic­at­ing of­ficer or wit­ness or his or her lin­eal re­l­at­ives, sib­lings or spouse.

495The sus­pen­sion of civil rights and priv­ileges due to crim­in­al con­vic­tion has been ab­ol­ished (see AS 1971777; BBl 1965I 561and AS 197455; BBl 1974I 1457).

496Term amended by No I 3 of the FA of 30 June 1972, in force since 1 April 1973 (AS 1972 2819; BBl 1971 I 1200).


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