Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 520a500

2. In holo­graph­ic wills


If the form­al de­fect in a holo­graph­ic will con­sists in the day, month or year not be­ing in­dic­ated cor­rectly or at all, the will may be de­clared in­val­id only if the pre­cise date can­not be as­cer­tained in some oth­er man­ner and is ne­ces­sary in or­der to de­term­ine the test­at­or’s test­a­ment­ary ca­pa­city, the chro­no­lo­gic­al or­der of mul­tiple wills or any oth­er is­sue af­fect­ing the valid­ity of the will.

500In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 23 June 1995, in force since 1 Jan. 1996 (AS 1995 4882; BBl 1994 III 516, V 607).


135 III 206 (5A_371/2008) from 18. Dezember 2008
Regeste: Art. 505 Abs. 1 und Art. 520 Abs. 1 ZGB; Ungültigkeitsklage; Formmangel. Stellung der Unterschrift bei der eigenhändigen letztwilligen Verfügung (E. 2 und 3).


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