Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 54

C. Des­ig­na­tion of com­pet­ent au­thor­it­ies


1 Where the Civil Code makes ref­er­ence to a com­pet­ent au­thor­ity, the can­tons shall des­ig­nate such au­thor­ity, be it ex­ist­ing or yet to be cre­ated.

2 Where the Civil Code does not make ex­press ref­er­ence to a court or an ad­min­is­trat­ive au­thor­ity, the can­tons may des­ig­nate either as the com­pet­ent au­thor­ity.

3 Un­less the Civil Pro­ced­ure Code of 19 Decem­ber 2008787 ap­plies, the can­tons reg­u­late pro­ceed­ings.788

787 SR 272

788 Amended by An­nex 1 No II 3 of the Civil Pro­ced­ure Code of 19 Dec. 2008, in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 1739; BBl 2006 7221).


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