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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 589

III. Ef­fects of ac­cept­ance sub­ject to pub­lic in­vent­ory

1. Li­ab­il­ity as per in­vent­ory


1 Where an heir ac­cepts the in­her­it­ance sub­ject to pub­lic in­vent­ory, the debts of the de­ceased lis­ted in the in­vent­ory and the as­sets pass to him or her.

2 The ac­quis­i­tion of the in­her­it­ance with all at­tend­ant rights and ob­lig­a­tions takes ef­fect ret­ro­act­ively from the date on which the suc­ces­sion pro­cess com­menced.

3 The heir is li­able for debts lis­ted in the in­vent­ory both with the in­her­it­ance and with his or her own as­sets.