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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 65

2. Powers


1 The gen­er­al meet­ing of mem­bers de­cides on ad­mis­sion and ex­clu­sion of mem­bers, ap­points the com­mit­tee and de­cides all mat­ters which are not re­served to oth­er gov­ern­ing bod­ies of the as­so­ci­ation.

2 It su­per­vises the activ­it­ies of the gov­ern­ing bod­ies and may at any time dis­miss the lat­ter without pre­ju­dice to any con­trac­tu­al rights of those dis­missed.

3 The right of dis­missal ex­ists by law whenev­er jus­ti­fied by good cause.