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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 681571

II. Re­stric­tions on ali­en­a­tion; stat­utory right of pre-emption

1. Gen­er­al prin­ciples


1 Stat­utory rights of pre-emption may also be ex­er­cised in the case of com­puls­ory sale at auc­tion, but only at the auc­tion it­self and on the con­di­tions that ap­ply to a sale to the highest bid­der; in oth­er re­spects stat­utory rights of pre-emption may be ex­er­cised sub­ject to the con­di­tions that ap­ply to con­trac­tu­al rights of pre-emption.

2 The right of pre-emption be­comes void if the land is sold to a per­son with a right of pre-emption of equal or high­er rank.

3 Stat­utory rights of pre-emption may neither be in­her­ited nor as­signed. They take pre­ced­ence over con­trac­tu­al rights of pre-emption.

571Amended by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991 on the Par­tial Re­vi­sion of the Civil Code (Im­mov­able Prop­erty Law) and of the Code of Ob­lig­a­tions (Pur­chase of Land), in force since 1 Jan. 1994 (AS 1993 1404; BBl 1988 III 953).