Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 712o

3. Vot­ing rights


1 Where a unit is owned by more than one per­son, these per­sons to­geth­er have only one vote, to be cast by one of their num­ber as their rep­res­ent­at­ive.

2 Sim­il­arly, the own­er and the usu­fructu­ary of a unit must agree on the ex­er­cise of their vot­ing rights, fail­ing which the usu­fructu­ary is deemed to hold the right to vote on all ad­min­is­trat­ive mat­ters with the ex­cep­tion of build­ing work car­ried out for merely use­ful or dec­or­at­ive pur­poses or to en­hance com­fort or con­veni­ence.


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