Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 912

III. Re­demp­tion of the pawned chat­tel

1. Right of re­demp­tion


1 Provided it has not yet been sold, the pledger may re­deem the pawned chat­tel against re­turn of the re­ceipt.

2 If the pledger is un­able to present the re­ceipt, he or she is en­titled to re­deem the pawned chat­tel after the re­demp­tion dead­line provided he or she es­tab­lishes his or her en­ti­tle­ment.

3 As of six months after the re­demp­tion dead­line, the pledger also has such right even where the pawn­broker has ex­pressly re­served the right to re­lease the pawned chat­tel only against re­turn of the re­ceipt.


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