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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 965

2. Au­thor­ity

a. Val­id proof of au­thor­ity


1 A dis­pos­i­tion in the land re­gister, such as an entry, amend­ment or de­le­tion, may be made only on the basis of doc­u­ments es­tab­lish­ing the right to make such dis­pos­i­tion and its leg­al basis.

2 Au­thor­ity to re­quest a dis­pos­i­tion is es­tab­lished by proof that the ap­plic­ant is the per­son en­titled by vir­tue of the entry in the land re­gister or has been duly ves­ted with a power of at­tor­ney by said per­son.

3 The leg­al basis for the re­ques­ted dis­pos­i­tion is es­tab­lished by proof that the form­al re­quire­ments have been ob­served.