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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 98

B. Pre­par­at­ory pro­ced­ure

I. Re­quest


1 The pre­par­at­ory pro­ced­ure shall be car­ried out at the civil re­gister of­fice at the dom­i­cile of either of the pro­spect­ive spouses at their re­quest.162

2 They must ap­pear in per­son. If they may show that they clearly can­not be re­quired to do so, the pre­par­at­ory pro­ced­ure may be car­ried out in writ­ing.

3They must fur­nish doc­u­ment­ary proof of iden­tity and per­son­ally de­clare at the civil re­gister of­fice that they sat­is­fy the leg­al re­quire­ments for mar­riage; they must also pro­duce any ne­ces­sary con­sent.

4 En­gaged couples who are not Swiss cit­izens must prove dur­ing the pre­par­at­ory pro­ced­ure that they are law­fully res­id­ent in Switzer­land.163

162 Amended by No I of the FA of 18 Dec. 2020 (Mar­riage for All), in force since 1 Ju­ly 2022 (AS 2021 747; BBl 2019 8595; 2020 1273).

163 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 12 June 2009 (Pre­ven­tion of Mar­riages in the event of Un­law­ful Res­id­ence), in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 3057; BBl 2008 24672481).