Art. 124a207
IV. Equitable division in the case of invalidity pensions after statutory reference age and in the case of retirement pensions 1 If, at the point at which divorce proceedings commence, a spouse is drawing an invalidity pension after the statutory reference age or drawing a retirement pension, the court decides at its own discretion how the pension is to be divided. In doing so it primarily takes into account the duration of the marriage and the pension requirements of each spouse. 2 The share of the pension awarded to the spouse entitled thereto is converted into a life-long pension. This is paid to the entitled spouse by the liable spouse’s occupational pension fund or is transferred to the entitled spouse’s own occupational pension fund. 3 The Federal Council regulates:
207 Inserted by No I of the FA of 19 June 2015 (Equitable Division of Pensions on Divorce), in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2016 2313; BBl 2013 4887). BGE
146 V 95 (9C_391/2019) from 23. März 2020
Regeste: Art. 123 und 124 ZGB; Vorsorgeausgleich bei Ehescheidung; Bestimmung der zu teilenden Austrittsleistung. Für die Anwendbarkeit von Art. 124 ZGB ist entscheidend, ob vor Einleitung des Scheidungsverfahrens ein Anspruch auf eine Invalidenrente aus beruflicher Vorsorge entstanden resp. der Vorsorgefall Invalidität eingetreten ist. Dass (noch) keine Rente bezogen wird, schliesst die Anwendung von Art. 124 ZGB nicht aus (E. 4.4). |