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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 129

3. Ad­just­ment by court or­der


1 In the event of a sub­stan­tial and en­dur­ing change in cir­cum­stances, the peri­od­ic main­ten­ance pay­ments may be re­duced, can­celled or sus­pen­ded for a cer­tain time; an im­prove­ment in the cir­cum­stances of the party en­titled to main­ten­ance may be taken in­to ac­count only if the pay­ments stip­u­lated in the di­vorce de­cree provided suf­fi­cient main­ten­ance.

2 The party en­titled to main­ten­ance may re­quest that the pay­ments be ad­jus­ted in line with fu­ture in­fla­tion if the in­come of the oth­er party has in­creased un­ex­pec­tedly since the di­vorce.

3 With­in five years of the di­vorce, the party en­titled to main­ten­ance may re­quest that pay­ments be ordered or in­creased provided the di­vorce de­cree states that it was not pos­sible at that time to or­der suf­fi­cient main­ten­ance pay­ments and provided the eco­nom­ic cir­cum­stances of the party ob­liged to pay main­ten­ance have since im­proved.