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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 225

III. In­di­vidu­al prop­erty


1 In­di­vidu­al prop­erty may be cre­ated by mar­it­al agree­ment, dis­pos­i­tions by third parties or by law.

2 By law, items for the ex­clus­ive per­son­al use of a spouse and claims for sat­is­fac­tion con­sti­tute in­di­vidu­al prop­erty.

3 A spouse’s right to claim the stat­utory en­ti­tle­ment may not pass to him or her from his or her re­l­at­ives as in­di­vidu­al prop­erty where the mar­it­al agree­ment provides that such as­sets are com­mon prop­erty.