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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 238

III. Com­pens­a­tion op­er­a­tions between joint and in­di­vidu­al prop­erty


1 Where debts en­cum­ber­ing one cat­egory of prop­erty were paid out of as­sets be­long­ing to the oth­er, re­spect­ive com­pens­a­tion claims between the com­mon prop­erty and the in­di­vidu­al prop­erty of each spouse arise on the dis­sol­u­tion of the mar­it­al prop­erty re­gime.

2 A debt en­cum­bers the prop­erty in re­la­tion to which it was in­curred, but in the case of doubt it en­cum­bers the com­mon prop­erty.