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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 242

2. In oth­er cases


1 On di­vorce, sep­ar­a­tion, an­nul­ment of the mar­riage or sep­ar­a­tion of prop­erty by law or court or­der, each spouse shall take back from the com­mon prop­erty such prop­erty as would have been his or her in­di­vidu­al prop­erty un­der the par­ti­cip­a­tion in ac­quired prop­erty re­gime.

2 The re­main­ing com­mon prop­erty is di­vided equally between the spouses.

3 Agree­ments to vary the stat­utory meth­od of di­vi­sion are val­id only if the mar­it­al agree­ment ex­pressly so provides.