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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 268c316

Dter.In­form­a­tion on the ad­op­tion, the bio­lo­gic­al par­ents and their is­sue


1 The ad­opt­ive par­ents must in­form the child of his or her ad­op­tion when his or her age or ma­tur­ity per­mits.

2 A minor is en­titled to in­form­a­tion about his or her bio­lo­gic­al par­ents, provided it is not pos­sible to draw con­clu­sions about their iden­tity. The child shall be giv­en identi­fy­ing in­form­a­tion only if he or she can show an in­terest worthy of pro­tec­tion.

3An adult child may at any time re­quest that the per­son­al de­tails of his or her bio­lo­gic­al par­ents and fur­ther in­form­a­tion about them be dis­closed to him or her. The adult child may also request that information about the direct descendants of his or her biological parents be disclosed to him or her if the descendants are of age and have consented to the disclosure.

316In­ser­ted by An­nex No 2 of the FA of 22 June 2001 on the Hag­ue Ad­op­tion Con­ven­tion and Meas­ures to Pro­tect Chil­dren in re­spect of Inter-Coun­try Ad­op­tion (AS 20023988; BBl 1999 5795). Amended by No I of the FA of 17 June 2016 (Ad­op­tion), in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 3699; BBl 2015 877).