Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 28g38

4. Right of reply

a. Prin­ciple


1 Any per­son whose per­son­al­ity rights are dir­ectly af­fected by a rep­res­ent­a­tion of events in peri­od­ic­ally ap­pear­ing me­dia, es­pe­cially the press, ra­dio or tele­vi­sion, shall have a right of reply.

2 There is no right of reply in re­spect of ac­cur­ate re­ports of the pub­lic deal­ings of an au­thor­ity in which the af­fected per­son took part.

38In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 1983, in force since 1 Ju­ly 1985 (AS 1984 778; BBl 1982 II 636).


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