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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 334bis474

2. As­sert­ing claims


1 The com­pens­a­tion due to chil­dren or grand­chil­dren may be claimed on the debt­or’s death.

2 It may also be claimed dur­ing the debt­or’s life­time if his prop­erty is dis­trained or he is de­clared bank­rupt, the com­mon house­hold ceases to ex­ist or the busi­ness changes hands.

3 The claim is not sub­ject to pre­scrip­tion, but must be brought at the latest on di­vi­sion of the de­ceased debt­or’s es­tate.

474In­ser­ted by No I 1 of the FA of 6 Oct. 1972, in force since 15 Feb. 1973 (AS 1973 93; BBl 1970 I 805, 1971 I 737).