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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 372

C. Loss of ca­pa­city of judge­ment


1 If the pa­tient lacks ca­pa­city of judge­ment and it is not known if there is a pa­tient de­cree, the at­tend­ing doc­tor shall as­cer­tain the po­s­i­tion from the health in­sur­ance card. The fore­go­ing does not ap­ply to ur­gent cases.

2 The doc­tor shall com­ply with the pa­tient de­cree un­less it vi­ol­ates stat­utory reg­u­la­tions or there is reas­on­able doubt that it is based on the pa­tient's free will or still cor­res­ponds to his or her pre­sumed will.

3 The doc­tor shall make a note in the pa­tient re­cords of any reas­ons why the pa­tient de­cree was not com­plied with.