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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 374

A. Re­quire­ments for and ex­tent of the right to act as rep­res­ent­at­ive


1 Any per­son who as spouse or re­gistered part­ner co­hab­its with a per­son who is no longer cap­able of judge­ment or who reg­u­larly and per­son­ally provides that per­son with sup­port has a stat­utory right to act as that per­son's rep­res­ent­at­ive if there is no ad­vance care dir­ect­ive and no deputy has been ap­poin­ted.

2 The right to act as rep­res­ent­at­ive in­cludes:

all leg­al acts that are nor­mally re­quired to meet the need for sup­port;
due man­age­ment of in­come and oth­er as­sets; and
the right to open and deal with post, if ne­ces­sary.

3 For leg­al acts in­volving ex­cep­tion­al as­set man­age­ment, the spouse or the re­gistered part­ner must ob­tain the con­sent of the adult pro­tec­tion au­thor­ity.