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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 389

B. Sub­si­di­ar­ity and pro­por­tion­al­ity


1 The adult pro­tec­tion au­thor­ity shall or­der a meas­ure if:

sup­port for the per­son in need offered by his or her fam­ily, oth­er closely re­lated per­sons or private or pub­lic ser­vices is or proves to be in­suf­fi­cient;
where the per­son in need is no longer cap­able of judge­ment, he or she has failed to make any or suf­fi­cient ar­range­ments for his or her own care and the stat­utory meas­ures are in­suf­fi­cient.

2 Any of­fi­cial meas­ure must be ne­ces­sary and suit­able.