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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 434

II. Treat­ment without con­sent


1 In the ab­sence of the pa­tient's con­sent, the chief phys­i­cian in the de­part­ment may or­der in writ­ing the med­ic­al pro­ced­ures planned in the treat­ment plan if:

fail­ure to carry out the treat­ment could lead to ser­i­ous dam­age to the pa­tient's health or ser­i­ously en­danger the life or the phys­ic­al in­teg­rity of third parties;
the pa­tient is un­able to ex­er­cise judge­ment in re­la­tion to his or her need for treat­ment; and
no ap­pro­pri­ate meas­ure is avail­able that is less in­vas­ive.

2 Writ­ten no­tice of the or­der shall be giv­en to the pa­tient and his or her au­thor­ised rep­res­ent­at­ive to­geth­er with in­struc­tions on rights of ap­peal.