Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 452

B. Ef­fect of the meas­ures on third parties


1 An adult pro­tec­tion meas­ure may be cited in op­pos­i­tion to third parties even if they are act­ing in good faith.

2 If the deputy­ship lim­its the ca­pa­city of the cli­ent to act, debt­ors must be no­ti­fied that con­trac­tu­al per­form­ance only re­lieves them of their ob­lig­a­tions pay­ment if it is made to the deputy. Pri­or to no­tice be­ing giv­en, the deputy­ship may not be cited in op­pos­i­tion to debt­ors act­ing in good faith.

3 If a per­son sub­ject to an adult pro­tec­tion meas­ure in­duces oth­er per­sons to ac­cept his or her ca­pa­city to act in er­ror, he or she is li­able to them for any dam­age caused thereby.


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