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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 480

IV. Dis­in­her­it­ance of an in­solv­ent per­son


1 If un­paid debt cer­ti­fic­ates ex­ist in re­spect of any of the is­sue of the test­at­or, the lat­ter may de­prive the said is­sue of one-half of his or her stat­utory en­ti­tle­ment provid­ing he or she leaves that half to the ex­ist­ing or sub­sequently born chil­dren of the said is­sue.

2 At the dis­in­her­ited per­son’s re­quest, the dis­in­her­it­ance is void if, on com­mence­ment of the suc­ces­sion pro­cess, the un­paid debt cer­ti­fic­ates no longer ex­ist against him or her or if their total amount does not ex­ceed one-quarter of his or her share of the es­tate.