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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 486

III. Re­la­tion­ship to the es­tate


1 Where the legacies ex­ceed the value of the es­tate or of the be­quest to the ob­lig­or or of the dis­pos­able part, ap­plic­a­tion may be made to have them abated pro­por­tion­ately.

2 If the ob­lig­ors do not sur­vive the test­at­or, are un­worthy to in­her­it or dis­claim their in­her­it­ance, the legacies re­main non­ethe­less ef­fect­ive.

3 If the test­at­or has be­queathed a leg­acy to a stat­utory or named heir, the lat­ter has the right to claim the leg­acy even if he or she dis­claims his or her in­her­it­ance.