Art. 489
II. Time of delivery 1 Except where the disposition stipulates otherwise, the time of delivery is deemed to be the death of the provisional heir. 2 Where a different time is specified and that time has not yet occurred on the death of the provisional heir, the inheritance passes to his or her heirs against security. 3 If for whatever reason that time may no longer occur, the inheritance passes unreservedly to the heirs of the provisional heir. BGE
123 I 264 () from 26. September 1997
Regeste: Art. 46 Abs. 2 BV (Verbot der Doppelbesteuerung; Besteuerung der Nacherbschaft). Der Nacherbe erwirbt die Erbschaft des Erblassers, weshalb die Besteuerung der Nacherbschaft dem Kanton des letzten Wohnsitzes des Erblassers zur Besteuerung zusteht (E. 2). |