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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 501

c. Role of the wit­nesses


1 As soon as the pub­lic deed has been signed and dated, the test­at­or must de­clare to the two wit­nesses, in the pres­ence of the of­fi­cial, that he or she has read the doc­u­ment and that it con­tains his or her will.

2 The wit­nesses must sign the deed and in so do­ing con­firm that the test­at­or made said de­clar­a­tion in their pres­ence and that, in their judg­ment, in so do­ing he or she was in full pos­ses­sion of test­a­ment­ary ca­pa­city.

3 It is not ne­ces­sary for the wit­nesses to be in­formed of the con­tent of the deed.