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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 506

4. Or­al will

a. Dis­pos­i­tions


1 Where the test­at­or is pre­ven­ted from us­ing any oth­er form of will by ex­traordin­ary cir­cum­stances such as the im­min­ent risk of death, break­down in com­mu­nic­a­tions, epi­dem­ic or war, he or she is en­titled to make a will in or­al form.

2 To do so, he or she must de­clare his or her will in the pres­ence of two wit­nesses and in­struct them to have it drawn up as re­quired in the form of a deed.

3 The wit­nesses are sub­ject to the same dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion pro­vi­sions as ap­ply to wills made in the form of pub­lic deeds.