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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 518

B. Func­tion of an ex­ecut­or


1 Un­less oth­er­wise provided by the test­at­or, the ex­ecut­ors have the same rights and du­ties as an of­fi­cial es­tate ad­min­is­trat­or.

2 The ex­ecut­ors’ func­tion is to rep­res­ent the test­at­or’s wishes and, in par­tic­u­lar, to ad­min­is­ter the es­tate, settle debts left by the test­at­or, dis­trib­ute legacies and di­vide the es­tate in ac­cord­ance with the test­at­or’s in­struc­tions or as re­quired by law.

3 Where more than one ex­ecut­or has been ap­poin­ted, these powers are ex­er­cised jointly, un­less the test­at­or has provided oth­er­wise.