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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 535

B. Hotch­pot in the case of re­nun­ci­ation of in­her­it­ance

I. Abate­ment


1 If the test­at­or dur­ing his or her life­time con­ferred be­ne­fits on a re­noun­cing heir that ex­ceed that heir’s share of the es­tate, his or her co-heirs may re­quest abate­ment.

2 However, such be­ne­fits are sub­ject to abate­ment only to the ex­tent they ex­ceed the stat­utory en­ti­tle­ment of the re­noun­cing heir.

3 Al­low­ance is made for them ac­cord­ing to the pro­vi­sions gov­ern­ing hotch­pot.