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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 540

2. Un­wor­thi­ness to in­her­it

a. Grounds


1 A per­son is un­worthy of in­her­it­ing or ac­quir­ing any­thing by a test­a­ment­ary dis­pos­i­tion if:

he or she wil­fully and un­law­fully caused or at­temp­ted to cause the death of the per­son now de­ceased;
he or she wil­fully and un­law­fully rendered the per­son now de­ceased per­man­ently in­cap­able of mak­ing a test­a­ment­ary dis­pos­i­tion;
by malice, co­er­cion or threat he or she in­duced the per­son now de­ceased to make or re­voke a test­a­ment­ary dis­pos­i­tion or pre­ven­ted him or her from do­ing so;
he or she wil­fully and un­law­fully elim­in­ated or in­val­id­ated a test­a­ment­ary dis­pos­i­tion in such a man­ner as to pre­vent the per­son now de­ceased from draw­ing up a new one.

2 Un­wor­thi­ness to in­her­it does not ap­ply if the per­son now de­ceased has for­giv­en the per­son con­cerned.