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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 559

IV. Re­lease of the es­tate


1 One month after no­ti­fic­a­tion of the in­ter­ested parties, at the re­quest of the named heirs the pro­bate au­thor­ity is­sues such per­sons with a cer­ti­fic­ate con­firm­ing them as heirs, sub­ject to ac­tion of de­clar­a­tion of in­valid­ity and for re­cov­ery of in­her­it­ance, provid­ing their en­ti­tle­ment has not ex­pressly been chal­lenged by the stat­utory heirs or the leg­atees of an earli­er will.

2 At the same time the es­tate ad­min­is­trat­or will be in­struc­ted, where ap­plic­able, to re­lease the es­tate in­to their pos­ses­sion.