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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 560

A. Vest­ing

I. Heirs


1 On the death of the de­ceased, the es­tate in its en­tirety vests by op­er­a­tion of law in the heirs.

2 Sub­ject to the stat­utory ex­cep­tions, the de­ceased’s claims, rights of own­er­ship, lim­ited rights in rem and rights of pos­ses­sion auto­mat­ic­ally pass to the heirs and the debts of the de­ceased be­come the per­son­al debts of the heirs.

3 Vest­ing in the named heirs takes ef­fect ret­ro­act­ively from the date on which the suc­ces­sion pro­cess com­menced and the stat­utory heirs must re­lin­quish the es­tate to them ac­cord­ing to the rules gov­ern­ing pos­ses­sion.