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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 562

III. Leg­atees

1. Vest­ing


1 The leg­atees have a per­son­al claim against the ob­lig­ors of their legacies or, where no-one is spe­cific­ally named as such, against the leg­al or named heirs.

2 Un­less oth­er­wise provided by test­a­ment­ary dis­pos­i­tion, the claim be­comes due once the ob­lig­or has ac­cep­ted the in­her­it­ance or is no longer able to dis­claim it.

3 If the heirs fail to ful­fil their ob­lig­a­tion, they may be sued for re­lease of the be­queathed prop­erty or, where the leg­acy per­tains to per­form­ance of some ac­tion, for dam­ages.