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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 572

III. Dis­claim­er by one co-heir


1 Where the de­ceased has not made a test­a­ment­ary dis­pos­i­tion and one of two or more heirs dis­claims the in­her­it­ance, his or her share of the es­tate passes to the oth­er heirs as if he or she had pre­de­ceased.

2 Where the de­ceased has made test­a­ment­ary dis­pos­i­tion, any share of the es­tate dis­claimed by a named heir passes to the test­at­or’s nearest stat­utory heirs, un­less oth­er in­ten­tions on the part of the test­at­or are evid­ent from the dis­pos­i­tion.